by Ishan

February 6, 2023

Piriformis syndrome is a neuromuscular disorder that is caused by tight piriformis muscle. The piriformis muscle is a flat, band-like muscle located in the buttocks near the top of the hip joint. Piriformis syndrome can be associated with or without the underlying Sciatic Nerve compression. The sciatic nerve is a thick and long nerve in the body. It passes alongside or goes through the piriformis muscle, goes down the back of the leg, and eventually branches off into smaller nerves that end in the feet. 

In most people, sciatic nerve passes under piriformis muscle, so there are good chances that tight piriformis muscle can cause compression of sciatic nerve and result in sciatic nerve like compression symptoms.  This muscle is important in lower body movement as it serves 3 main functions: it helps in stabilizing your hip joint, rotating your thigh bone outside (outer hip rotation), and taking your thigh bone away from the center of the body (hip abduction).


  1. 1
    Piriformis syndrome usually starts with pain, tingling, or numbness in the piriformis muscle region (center of the buttock area)
  2. 2
    Pain can be severe in the hip and travel down the length of the sciatic nerve from buttock region to the back thigh, leg and foot (aka called sciatica).
  3. 3
    Piriformis muscle area is usually very tender on touch while applying firm pressure directly over piriformis muscle and exacerbates with sitting for long period of time, standing and running.
  4. 4
    Pain in the center of the buttock region can also be present when changing positions such as sit to stand or vice-versa 


  • Sitting for too long at a stretch without taking enough breaks from sitting position
  • Weakness in the gluteal muscle groups (main buttock muscles)
  • Lack of hip joint motion or mobility especially hip internal range of motion
  • Poor hip joint stability due to lax or loose ligament or inadequate muscles control
  •  Inflexibility/tightness in the lower body muscles especially around the hip area
  • Weakness of hip muscles especially hip internal rotators
  • Not warming up before physical activity or stretching properly afterward

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Piriformis Syndrome Treatment

  • Avoid the activities that trigger pain in the piriformis/buttock region
  • Rest and Ice the piriformis muscle
  • Improve your hip and ankle joint mobility
  • Work on improving the lower body muscles flexibility
  • Restore your hip, knee and ankle joints stability
  • Improve the strength of weak lower body muscles around hip region especially hip internal rotators
  • Release of tight piriformis muscle using soft tissue mobilization/manipulation  tools like foam roller and tennis ball 

About the author

Ishan Arora is a founder of PriMovers and Co-founder of Funktional Foundation. When he's not plotting new ways for people to stay pain and injury free, he likes to educate people about body functions through his blogs and videos.

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