Lumbar Spinal Stenosis “Symptoms, Causes and Treatment”
Learn the nitty gritty about Lumbar Spinal Stenosis to achieve long term back and leg pain relief in standing and walking!
Are you feeling back pain along with a burning sensation that is travelling down from the back to the buttock region into the thighs and legs? Or Are are you feeling tingling, numbness burning sensation or cramping in the leg or foot?
Do you experience any weakness in the foot which causes the foot to slap while walking?
Then the reason for all your symptoms could be Spinal Stenosis.
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Unlike many of other back pain conditions. Spinal Stenosis is caused by the narrowing of the space of the spinal canal which is a house for the spinal nerves as the descend from the back into the thighs and legs. This happens as a result of the degenerative process happening this spine also known as the arthritis of the spine.
In order to treat spinal stenosis it's important to understand the condition properly so dive in right now and understand what spinal stenosis is?
Lumbar Spinal stenosis is one of the most common back in condition as they grow older.
American Academy of Orthopedic surgeons estimated that lumbar spinal stenosis can affect around 8 to 11% of the population.
The spinal stenosis can happen to anyone and it's more common in men and women above the age of 50 years. As, in that age the process of degeneration in the spine starts to set in which results in wear and tear of the part of the spine and hypertrophy of the supporting structures which results in compromised space for the spinal cord in enough to pass through in the spinal canal.
Another most common risk factor for spinal stenosis is the spinal fracture or the tumor.
The part of the fracture or tumor can get into the spinal canal and reduce the space for the spinal cord and the nerve to pass through resulting in the pain symptoms traveling from the back to the buttock region to the back thigh and into the leg as well.
The third most common risk factor for spinal stenosis is the abnormal sideways curve of the spine also known as Spinal Scoliosis, Because of the abnormal sideways curve of the spine there can be reduced space for the spinal cord in the spinal canal and can result in increased pain symptoms in the leg. In Spinal Stenosis we tend to see increasing symptoms when we stand and walk, reason for that the reduced space for the spinal cord and the nerves in the spinal canal in these two positions.
As we stand and walk that causes the natural Spine extension which results in the reduced space for the spinal cord and the nerve in the spinal canal versus in positions like bending forward as in case of prayer position. or standing forward bending position or sitting position results in increased space for the spinal cord in the spinal canal and the nerves.
There are various studies that has been done on spinal stenosis. A review of the randomized controlled trials done by Jarrett slatter and others in that year 2016 mentions that while there are many options available for the treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis but customized spinal position correction exercise is considered to be the first line of treatment as it is associated with reduced complications and cost as compared to more invasive treatment options.
Another study done by Weiner at all reported that flexion based movement of the spine which is like the forward bend position of the spine has shown to increase the walking time and distance before the onset of pain symptoms in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis.
Flexibility of the front hip muscles also known as hip flexors and strengthening of the lower abdominal muscle may also lead to better position of the pelvis-low back complex and decrease the pressure on this spine structures in case of lumbar spinal stenosis.